Upcoming Events
In-Person Worship –
Service – 9:30 a.m.
Face Masks are optional
Virtual services: PUCC website, Plymouth United Church of Christ Facebook and YouTube
Bible Study for Men – Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Rev. Hood will lead a bible study for men only.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at 6 p.m. via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 884 0552 5561
Passcode: 681496
“Mary, Martha, Lazarus and Jesus”
-An all-church Lenten Bible Discussion with Rev. Dr. Nicholas Hood, III
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at 12 & 6 p.m.
In-person at the church and via Zoom
(This Bible Discussion will also be live-streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and the church website.)
Meeting ID: 884 0552 5561
Passcode: 681496
Lenten Calendar
Ash Wednesday
March 5, 2025, at Noon & 6 p.m.
Rev. Dr. Nicholas Hood, III preaching a special sermon; distribution of ashes and anointing oil
Palm Sunday
April 13, 2025, at 9:30 a.m.

Confirmation Worship Service 6 p.m.
April 17, 2025
The confirmation service will take place in the Sanctuary of the church. This year, three children will be formally received as new members of the church that currently meets at the home of Judge Denise Page Hood and Rev. Dr. Nicholas Hood, III every Sunday. The children are learning about the history, beliefs, missions, governances of the church, and expectations of church members. Plan now to attend this moving service and listen to the children express why they want to join the church and their beliefs on God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
African American Passover Celebration 7 p.m.
April 17, 2025
The African American Passover Celebration is a Maundy Thursday “Black” Passover Celebration and Dinner written by Rev. Dr. Nicholas Hood, III. The African American Passover Celebration is based on a traditional Jewish Passover Seder meal with a menu that helps the ancient Jewish people remember their liberation from Egyptian bondage to freedom. It compares to the liberation of the African American community from slavery to freedom.
There is no charge for this meal, but a free-will offering will be received. The distribution of speaking parts will take place next Sunday (March 19) after the church service.
The Board for Christian Education is sponsoring this event.
Friday, April 18, 2025, from 12 – 3 p.m., at PUCC
Featuring sermons by Rev. Dr. Nicholas Hood, III, Rev. Rev. Lawrence W. Rodgers, Pastor of Second Baptist Church of Detroit and and Rev. Charles Christian Adams, Presiding Pastor of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church
Resurrection Sunday Worship Service
Rev. Dr. Nicholas Hood, III, preaching
April 20, 2025, at 9:30 a.m.
Plymouth Bible Study Survey
Please take a moment to complete this survey to determine PUCC’s monthly Bible study date and time. Use the QR code below.
Membership Database
Plymouth’s UCC Worship Services Support Team has created a new database to collect membership contact information. Use the link below to update your contact information if you have not done so already:
Ghana Tour 2025 & 2026 **REVISED w/ contact, cost information and itinerary**
I invite you to join me for a trip of a lifetime to Ghana, West Africa. Ghana was one of the major deportation centers for the American slave trade. There are two trips planned for the Ghana Tour: August 4-13, 2025, and August 1-15, 2026. The cost of the trip, excluding airfare, is $2,400 per person based on double occupancy. If interested in reserving your place on either of these two tours for Ghana, please contact Peggy Higdon at margarethigdon@att.net
Please note that space is limited to 20 persons per trip.
Why visit Ghana?
1. Ghana is one of the safest countries in Africa for tourists
2. Ghana has preserved several buildings and areas where the slave trade deported Africans to America
3. Ghana has one of the fastest-growing economies in all of Africa
4. Ghana is relatively close to the United States with a modern airport
5. Our church is developing a relationship with the Bethel Presbyterian Church in Accra, Ghana, which will provide travelers an opportunity to not only tour the country but also an opportunity to meet and speak with members of the church
6. Exceptional accommodations and tours of Ghana
The proposed trip to Ghana includes a major benefit because it represents the first effort in a partnership with Plymouth United Church of Christ and the Bethel Presbyterian Church in Accra, Ghana. Those who participate in this trip will have opportunities to interact personally with members of our partner church. For more information, you are welcome to call me directly at 313-999-4492. To view the itinerary in its entirety, please use this link
Looking forward to traveling with you,
Pastor Nick Hood and Senior Minister
Plymouth United Church of Christ Travel
Plymouth UCC Youth 4th Sunday – serving others
On 4th Sundays, Middle and High School students are invited to participate in community service at Plymouth from 9:30 am to 11:30 am
- Helping others
- 2-3 community service hours given
- Light refreshments served
Dates 2024/25
- 10/27/24
- 11/24/24
- 1/26/25
- 2/23/25
- 3/23/25
- 4/27/25
- 5/25/25
Please wear comfortable attire
Bring your community service log from your school. We will provide a log if you don’t have one
Join us: For more info, contact Victoria Barnes 313 303-8076 call or text, Satyra Johnson 313-231-1631 call or text
Acts 20:35
35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
Men’s Ministry Meeting
The ministry will meet every 2nd Sunday of the month in the Church Unity Lounge at 11 a.m.
Women’s Telephone Conference Prayer Line
7 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday
Phone number: 605-475-4000 Access Code 851320#
Bible study at Plymouth
Wednesday morning
11:00am – Noon Unity Lounge
If you cannot attend in person, please Dial in: 1-657-390-7181
Conversations (via Zoom)
Conversations for Women – Thursdays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 823 2976 9596
Passcode: 365011
Dial in: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) same Meeting ID and passcode
Conversations for Men – Saturdays, 10:00am – 11:00am

Meeting ID: 898 3947 1688
Passcode: 487621
Youth Sunday School
Meets at 9:30a.m. in the office area. Please scan code for registration form:
“Share” Evangelism
A way for members and friends of PUCC can spread the good news of our Ministry & Missions is by “Sharing” links to the church’s Facebook page, Twitter (now X) as well as other social media. You can also “like” what you see. For more information, please contact Redic Grant: redicgrant@icloud.com
Volunteers Needed
Food Ministry
A team of church members distributes free food in partnership with Trader Joe Markets every Sunday at 12 noon.
The Church needs more volunteers to help distribute the food. If interested, contact Ameena Taylor at 313 682-8767 or leave a message on the church phone at 313-831-2460
Celebration of Life Committee
Volunteers are needed to help serve meals after funerals for the family and friends of the deceased. There are no regularly scheduled meetings. If you are interested, please call LaTasha Washington at 313-522-7776
Nursing Home Outreach Ministry
Each Sunday Plymouth sends out members to area nursing homes to hold a short worship service. The teams serving the Hartford Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and the American House in Southfield need additional members. If interested, please contact Regina Yopp or Rev. Hill (church office, 313 – 831-2460)
Plymouth United Church of Christ Usher Board
The Usher Board is actively seeking new members. To express your time, energy and faith in church is always a positive endeavor. What better way to engage individuals and organizations (at a time of your choosing) than the enduring Plymouth United Church of Christ Usher Board? Please speak to any member of the Usher Board for further information.
Drivers – Transportation Ministry
Drivers are needed to help with the Transportation Ministry. No special drivers license needed. If you interested, please contact Clifford Rockefeller @ 248-796-2732.
Plymouth United Church of Christ Travel Ministry
Ghana Tour 2025 & 2026 **REVISED w/ contact, cost information and itinerary**
I invite you to join me for a trip of a lifetime to Ghana, West Africa. Ghana was one of the major deportation centers for the American slave trade. There are two trips planned for the Ghana Tour: August 4-13, 2025, and August 1-15, 2026. The cost of the trip, excluding airfare, is $2,400 per person based on double occupancy. If interested in reserving your place on either of these two tours for Ghana, please contact Peggy Higdon at margarethigdon@att.net
Please note that space is limited to 20 persons per trip.
Why visit Ghana?
1. Ghana is one of the safest countries in Africa for tourists
2. Ghana has preserved several buildings and areas where the slave trade deported Africans to America
3. Ghana has one of the fastest-growing economies in all of Africa
4. Ghana is relatively close to the United States with a modern airport
5. Our church is developing a relationship with the Bethel Presbyterian Church in Accra, Ghana, which will provide travelers an opportunity to not only tour the country but also an opportunity to meet and speak with members of the church
6. Exceptional accommodations and tours of Ghana
The proposed trip to Ghana includes a major benefit because it represents the first effort in a partnership with Plymouth United Church of Christ and the Bethel Presbyterian Church in Accra, Ghana. Those who participate in this trip will have opportunities to interact personally with members of our partner church. For more information, you are welcome to call me directly at 313-999-4492. To view the itinerary in its entirety, please use this link
Looking forward to traveling with you,
Pastor Nick Hood and Senior Minister
Plymouth United Church of Christ Travel