Tea and Time Together – Thursday, December 19, 2019
Women’s Bible Study
Please join us! Bring a dish or snack to share; tea provided.
Let by Atty. Christina Harris Watts
Plymouth United Church of Christ
A church website
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Please join us! Bring a dish or snack to share; tea provided.
Let by Atty. Christina Harris Watts
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The Election of officers will take place during the Annual Church meeting. All members are invited.
The agenda also includes the adoption of the church budget.
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Join the PUCC Detroit MEN’S Ministry on Laymen’s Sunday for a day of renewal as we all celebrate and uplift the everyday man!
Sunday, October 20, 2019. 8:30 and 11:00a.m. services
Guest Speaker: Rev. Roosevelt Baugh, Associate Pastor, Metropolitan Church of God.
All men of the church are asked to wear black/dark suit, white shirt and purple or predominately purple tie. This assemble raises the banner of our church colors once more for 2019.
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Please be a part of the “100 for the 100th” PUCC Anniversary Debt Reduction Program.
The purpose/main objective is to raise $500,000 to pay down two existing loans and replenish the Capital fund. Please click here for more information, and the fund raising commitment document form (opens in .pdf).
For further information, email wtriplett@ameritech.net or phone 248-760-4812