Celebrating the Women of Plymouth UCC. PUCC Women’s Chorale will perform. 8:30 & 11 a.m. services.
Colors: white, with accents of turquoise.
Plymouth United Church of Christ
A church website
By dev1
Celebrating the Women of Plymouth UCC. PUCC Women’s Chorale will perform. 8:30 & 11 a.m. services.
Colors: white, with accents of turquoise.
By dev1
By dev1
Join Us! – Sunday, May 13, 2018
8 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Colors: Purple, White & Silver.
“Great is Thy Faithfulness…100 years and beyond.” 1919-2019
By dev1
Law Day at Plymouth UCC.
Our speakers:
Atty. Byron Pitts (8:30 a.m. service)
Atty. Cornelius Pitts (11:00 a.m. service)
By dev1
Sunday, March 25 2018. PUCC @ 6p.m.
Tickets: $20, Patron Ticket $100
Contact Cynthia Ross, Esq. 313-433-4745 or Angela Leslie 248-873-5474